Friday, 8 September 2017

You are my rolemodel.

Why does it feel uncomfortable being called a 'role model'?

Everyone in life wishes to reach a stage where they are good for who they are and people start looking up to them, except for me. 

I believe that we are all born to serve in this world differently. I believe we are all different versions of one purpose, of building this world, of worshiping. 

I feel uncomfortable knowing that someone wishes to be like me while they are beautiful, great and awesome in their own ways. I feel uncomfortable with people who envy what they see in me wishing it for themselves because I get confirmed that they've never reached the point, yet, of understanding their own purpose.

There are many books, many talks, many coaches and other resources that might lead us to who we are and who we aspire to be. 

But according to what I went through, my very little experience.. I know that knowing yourself takes a one word search, paper and a pen and knowing what our almighty our love Allah wants us to do in this world. 

We were born with beautiful names that describe us, that tells us who we are. Just look for the meaning of your name. 

It's really hard to know what are you good at, look for it. Not through tests and other people's compliments but through trying. Trying every single thing around you. The things you like and dislike. The things you fear and the things that never came across your mind, just do them! You do not know what will you discover. (But bare in mind that you need to have a clear target of wanting to discover yourself) 

We were born with such a beautiful religion, with endless information and knowledge that we need to learn. Take the first step in understanding it. Know why god choose to keep you on this earth. Know what he asked us to do. Follow our most beloved prophet, trust me, you'll reach there.

You'll reach to the place where you are yourself. Not another version of me neither of someone else's. 

I aspire to see people being themselves, with their own abilities, with their own creativity.

No matter how great the person you see is, remember, you never lived their life nor their circumstances or anything else they went through. You can always learn, you can always take what you need from who they are but be yourself.

& by this, I wish that you all find your ways to allah.. to yourself.. and to the highest standards of Jannaah.. by putting a little effort in your first step and being the greatest version of who you want to be. 

Stay safe. Stay you. 

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