Wednesday, 20 November 2013

خاطرة غربتي

خاطرة غربتي 

اشتاق، احن و اكتئب لموطني.. 
اعشق، احب و أهوى مسكني.. 
ابتعد، اذهب و ارحل لغربتي.. 

أتعلم ما الغربة؟ الغربة هي حنين ممزوج بفخر و عمل، جهد و تعب كله لأجلها.. لمستقبلها و لأسمها.. كله لحضنها و روحها بحرينُني.. 

الغربة، تجربة و دروس.. تأتيك كل يوم و في كل حين.. القرار لك، الحياة لك لأن المستقبل لك، انت، وحدك.. 

الغربة اكتشاف النفس و الذات.. ما يسعدني، يلهيني، يلهمني و يحفزني.. 

الغربة حياة جديدة مليئة ب ناسٌ جدد، مسكن جديد، حياة جديدة و قلب جديد.. قلبٌ مليئ بالاشتياق و لكنه مليئ بجهد و طموح ترتقي..

تمنينا الرحيل و أصبحنا نتمنى ان تمحى الأماني، تفاجئنا التجارب بمحبة، منافسة و مستقبلٍ ينادي..

ينتابني شعور الوحدة، الضيقة و الأسف.. أتعلم لماذا؟ لشعوري بكل هذا و انا لست وحيدة، سعيدة و فخورة بأن لي من يحرسني، يحفظني و يختار لي كل ما هو خيرٌ لي.. سبب زيادة عشقي له، سبب تعلقي به.. و هل لي سواه؟ ربي سبحانه.. 

كتبت و لعلني اوصلت ، لكن اعلم بأن الكلام لا يصل الخبراتِ.. 

إلى من يعيش كغربتي، إصبر فربك المستعانِ و يحقق الأماني.. 
إلى من جرب غربتي، أعلم بأن المزيد ينتظرني و لكنني راضية بحياتي.. 
إلى من لديه مغتربٍ، لا اطلب منك سوى السؤال عنه فلا تدرك ما تخبئه القلوبِ ..  
إلى من يتجه لرغبته، توكل على الواحد الأحد و انت في خير الحياةِ.. 

اللهم صبر قلب كل مغترب

Friday, 8 November 2013


How does the new life feels like?

It's been more than two months now since I moved in Abu Dhabi for university and I think its the right time to share how it feels like and what is the experience all about. 

I honestly felt really sad when the time came and I had to leave. I hated the fact that I will no longer be with my team, be part of hopeship or even have my family and siblings around. When I left and finally landed in Abu Dhabi, I was blessed and happy like never before. I honestly never felt that blessed, because I realized and saw everything I have done since 3 years in one day through the people who surrounded me. Their advices, wishes, captions and most importantly how much you guys believed in me. 

The most challenging thing that I faced was creating a challenge for myself to learn a lesson and be positive for one whole month and it felt SO good knowing how strong you can be. I have always believed ini positivity and how it changes a person's life.. I still do and I know it's the greatest weapon any hero can carry. 

Maybe people who were always around me felt that I have changed since I came here. I would like to confess that  I did, but not in a bad way. Being alone, opening a new page and moving to a completely new environment helped me discover myself even more. I used to be that person who is loaded with work and never gave herself an opportunity to enjoy or do anything else, but here it's all different. All I did was seeking joy and happiness and showing myself how life really felt like. I even needed to move away from everything negative because the slightest negative thing effected me in a bad way.

The most thing that I honestly needed and did work with me was carrying my ethics and believes and growing them even stronger in me. Being all alone means you make all the decisions by yourself and no one gets to interfere or tell you anything.. It is just you and what you learn from everything that you do. 

Learning a new language itself is really challenging, sometimes you feel you are going so well and sometimes you feel you are just not good at it. The fun part of it is that you are doing something new and something FUN! I started to love french and enjoy the language.

I still miss all the work I used to do but I believe in the team that I left behind and I am sure that they will make me and the whole of Bahrain proud. ( @HopeshipBH )

I can talk about this experience forever because there are lots and lots of lessons that I face everyday. I tried to gather up the most important ones's and write them.

Finally, I would like to introduce myself to you all :

My name is Maryam Baslar. I am 18 years old. A young bahraini passionate student studying in Paris Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi. I am in my first year, I study french and I will start my major next year. Proud founder of the raising team and family Hopeship. My story is under construction, its an incomplete success story. I promised Bahrain to raise her name up so high and that's what will happen very soon... & I am unstoppable.

* I will keep on posting whatever I experience in my instagram as usual ; @MaryamBaslar.

A BIIIG thank you to all the people behind this, my parents and all my dear ones. 

Friday, 1 November 2013


If I was ever asked what was your first step into everything I would definitely say: 


I was asked to write a post about the books I read, so here you go...

I started reading when I was in the 8th grade by reading my father's management books. Then I started moving into romance novel. I ended up by reading books of my interests, self help books. 

I love reading books because they give me an opportunity to choose what I want and leave what I don't want. They take me into a different world and actually they have CHANGED me.

I am supposed to recommend some good books but I wouldn't do this. I will only give you a couple of tips I use when I choose the books I want.  I usually search for a heading which is closer to my character. I always look into the font and how the text is in the book to make sure I will feel comfortable while reading the book. Most importantly, I check the purpose of the book which is at the back.

Never go to a bookstore when you are in a hurry and your mind isn't clear. Go to the bookstore when you want to feel happy and have a fresh positive day. 

Speaking of the language of the book, I used to read english books but then I moved into arabic books because I feel they are full of meaning and I enjoy reading them more. But I read both english and arabic books. 

For those who want to see the books I have read you can access my goodreads account :