Tuesday, 27 December 2011

To whom it may concern*edited*

في السادسة عشر من عمري و قضيتي التي يعاني منها أغلب شباب مجتمعي لم تطرح قط ، أراها تدمر العديد من الشباب في فئة عمري و تحبطهم .
عندما نرى المتقدمون في السن يلامون على عدم الإنجاز المستمر لتطوير هذا البلد و مقارنتهم بالدول المتقدمة ، هل سأل احدكم لماذا لم ينجزوا؟
لأن عندما نحنُ الشباب نأتي بأفكار إبداعية لتطويرها ، من يسمعها و ينفذها؟
من سيستفيد من أفكاري 'أنا' لنفسه و تنتهي أفكارنا 'بتحطيم لشخصياتنا'... أو قد لن يسمعها أحد أو يساعدني في تنفيذها. من الناحية الأخرى ارى ان بلادي وفرت للشباب العديد من المجالات التي قد تساعد الشاب في تطوير ذاته ، كمدينة الشباب 2030 و جائزة السمو الشيخ ناصر بن حمد للإبداع الشبابي.
و لكن السؤال الذي يحيرني دائماً هو : أين نذهب أنا و أحلامي المنتظرة؟ لأني لا أريد الأستيقاظ من كل هذا إلا عندما أرى الفرق في نفس كل شاب طموح و مبدع.
قد ينتقدني الكثيرون و يعارضونني أناس أكثر و لكن لن يفهمني الا الشباب الذين حلموا و لم تتحقق أحلامهم، الشباب الذين تكلموا و ظلموا على كلامهم.
رؤيتي لـ 2030 : للشباب حقوق يجب أن تناقش ان كان هدفكم التطور والتقدم ، لأن الشباب هم أساس المجتمع و مطوروه.

Monday, 26 December 2011


What is a talent? I see a talent as something you have BUT no body else has. Everybody might know how to draw but there is one out of all those people who has a different taste and sense of art, this is a talent.

I personally encourage everyone to find his own talent, but don't misuse other people's talents by searching for your own talent.

Nowadays, as you all can see, every one has a canon or Nikon & a photography signature. But are you really a photographer? They are indirectly underestimating the real photographers talents. While I found out many other real talents which are hidden. This is Yousif Qambar's Photography :

I don't know how you see it but I see something special in it.

I'm not discouraging any body to try out different talents, but remember you are only a beginner give your self some more time.

I am really happy that Bahrain Bayan school is conducting the Bahraini's Got Talent and encouraging people. Not to forget Shaikh Nasser's awards. Hoping to see more new Bahraini talents by those events.

'Can't never could until he tried.' give yourself some time to understand this quote, it has a lot of meaning which summarizes my whole post.

(All the best Kawthar )

Maryam Baslar

Sunday, 18 December 2011


Starting my blog with a special post, all about a visit to an austistic center

Saturday, 10th of  December was the day when I saw some of the misunderstood things correctly. When mentioning autistic kids, what is the first thing that pops in your head? Just take two minutes thinking. I personally thought they were sick people whom we can't communicate with, people who don't know anything about life. But when I really met them I was ashamed of myself for thinking in this way. I actually played with them and enjoyed my time like with any other normal kid

And you know what? We discovered some great talents which have actually impressed us, but unfortunately I hadn't had a chance to take their photos. But I saw a book which was done by a kid called naser, in only 10 minutes a colouring book of 15 pages. Here are some of the drawings from the book
This coloring book is sold for 500 fills to raise money. Befor leaving the center we received some ead bracelets which were made by them :

I have a little project which  I would like to share. I am trying to raise money by selling autism's awareness ribbons and wrist bands to start a clay workshop for the kids and also Nasser's book. If you would like to help me you can contact me on maryam.baslar@gmail.com.

You might think that a gift or a visit does nothing but believe me this one visit or gift makes a difference. Just leave your touch and you'll feel the true meaning of success..

Thank you AEI

Monday, 12 December 2011

Educational system

People might wonder why I choose to blog about the educational system. It's because the educational system is one of the greatest issues which people hardly look into. We looked into the problem of volunteering, donating, recycling, unemployment, smoking, drugs..etc. but never realised that all those problems are connected to one thing : the EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM.

Whenever I log in twitter or face book the most common thing I read : why school? But the question which pops in my mind when I read this is : why not school?

I was one of those students who wanted to spend their whole time only in school, even though my old school had no student council, activities, enough field trips or a heard voice.All we learned since childhood was study, study & study. without any home works but study. However, in my new school I have nearly everything a student would ask for plus studying and a bunch of home works and quizzes . But I don't feel like going school anymore.

Now a second question pop-ed. I experienced being under pressure & under a stress free environment but I liked the environment where I had been under pressure because they were my family but I always nagged about not having any freedom or activities. I really coulldn't find any conclusion for this as to where the problem is.
The first thing I tried doing was asking people whether the problem was in the educational system, people using it or us the students?

If we are going to list the problems which our educational system has we might never finish. Even if we are going to list the problems with the Stakeholders ( a business student ) of all the schools we'll face the same problem of never finishing.

I can't blame people or the educational system either, but I know there is a solution for this & I have to fix it. I believe that change must start within me so that I can help other people change.

Sharing this issue is something I always wanted to do. But finding a solution is a thing I'll always seek into.