Friday, 10 May 2013

Voluntary work.

What is voluntary work?

As most of you know voluntary work is my life.

Again, what is voluntary work?

When you ask for the meaning, you’ll hear the answer “work without getting any financial reward” or even “helping those who are in need”.

But is this the true meaning of voluntary work?

If we look into voluntary work practically, to some extent, yes it is working without financial reward and helping those who are in need but without a full stop.

Voluntary work is like lessons from life. People who are in need are not just special needs people or poor people, no, its us those who lack information about any cause. If you ended up reading this post with a lesson I’ll call this post as voluntary work because I helped you actually learn, realize and aware you about something which is in front of you and you had absolutely no idea about it.

Therefore, your excuse about not having a ride and that’s why you are not volunteering is invalid. Social media is another world most of us live in, but are we using it efficiently? No. We use it for nagging, complaining, throwing نغزات , be a football m3l8 in every match, knowing that tomorrow is a  test by accidently though someone’s tweet.. etc. Of course not all social media users use it the way I mentioned but we’re speaking about the majority That I follow and I’m not better than anyone. It’s not just twitter, even instagram. This is another way of volunteering by which you wont need a ride or pay anything, just read new information, watch videos and share them let the people benefit!

What makes me usually question about if what I do is actually a voluntary work or not is by the end of the day I ask myself did you learn anything and find no answer. Those types of work aren’t counted in my voluntary work lists. Every work has a lesson, not a one written in a book and given out to you. A lesson you need to live and discover and then use it in your life.

Never expect a n y t h i n g from anyone. When you do something, most of the time you’ll expect something in return if not a reward maybe a thank you. But make it the way round and you thank the people for giving you the opportunity to what you have tried and experienced.

Before you expect anything, start anything I would recommend you to focus on your Neyyah because it is everything about voluntary work. Are you doing this for god or for the people? Is your aim to take photos to be posted in instagram and used as Dp’s or to actually draw a smile, help a needy and make a difference? I’ll repeat your Niyah is everything.

It is giving up on everything else and choosing to do this task, not because you are forced to but because you want and you are willing to do this! 

The reason which drove me into writing this post might be because voluntary work is something common now to the extent that people started killing its true meaning. You can go volunteer in hundreds of places in a year but don't forget the true meaning of voluntary work.

If I kept on writing, this post would turn out to be boring. I usually have what I learn as a caption under my instagram photos so you are more than free to go check them out @MariamBaslar. I don’t mind any criticizing or a different point of view if you think what I have mentioned above isn’t right in one-way or the other.

Your feedback or any comment would be more than helpful. 

"Be the change you want to see in the world."